Boy And Girl Playing On Swing In Park

Kid Friendly Backyard Without Grass

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How to Achieve a Kid Friendly No-Grass Backyard?

When you picture backyards, you might conjure up images of plush grass, trees in the corner and flowers all around. But sadly, this picturesque backyard isn’t the norm. There are hundreds of different backyards, and some don’t even have grass or any greenery. But just because it lacks grass doesn’t mean it still can’t be kid friendly!

Just because lawns have forever been associated with kids doesn’t mean they need it to enjoy the great outdoors. Kids are great at adapting and can literally play anywhere and everywhere. It’s the more the parents who worry about kids falling on asphalt and hurting themselves, or the fact that an all-dirt backyard can mean messy floors inside.

Having grass and a lawn for kids to play outside is a nice commodity and gives parents a piece of mind, but kids who live in apartments don’t need grass to have fun so don’t stress if your backyard is lacking in the green department! You can easily have a kid-friendly backyard regardless; you’ll just need to get creative. Plus, as a parent, you don’t have to worry about all the upkeep that comes with having grass! You’ll be able to save time, water and money, allowing you more time to play with your kids actually.

But honestly, the best yard to create for your kids is one that they’ll want to go out and explore and have fun, regardless if there’s grass or not. So here are some ideas on how to achieve a kid friendly backyard despite the absence of grass!

Alternatives to Grass for Play Area

Sand Pit

Two Girls Play In The Sandbox At The Playground

Pretend like you’re at the beach every day with a homemade sandpit in your backyard. It’s a great natural outdoor experience for kids of all ages and will keep them busy for hours at a time. And you don’t even need a huge backyard to create one since you can customize it to fit your backyard’s size. Building your own sandpit is a great option when you have a blank slate to work with. If your backyard is already paved, it might be challenging, and you are better off buying a pre-made sand pit to place someone, but if it’s dirt, then all you’ll need is a shovel, landscape fabric, sandbox sand (affiliate link), and maybe some larger rocks to outline the pit!

You can easily build it in a day or two, and you don’t need that much help. Just outline the sand pit’s size, shape, and location and then start digging! You’ll want to dig a hole deep enough for the kits to get into and play. Lay down the landscape fabric and then add sand. Use the large rocks at the edge of the sand pit to outline, and you’re done! And when it rains, use a tarp to cover it so that it protects the pit from getting wet. When the sand starts to get old and ugly, you can simply dig it out and replace with fresh sand each season, too!


Pink Sports Shoes Of Woman On Gravel

Kids love rocks, so a rock-filled backyard is a great substitute when there’s no grass! And you don’t have to fill the entire space with rocks completely. A small section of your yard with different sized rocks could allow your children hours of imaginative play as they use them like Legos to build things or line larger ones around the yard to create a rock jumping path. Just make sure the rocks are smooth and not sharp and that you’re outside keeping an eye on the kids so that they don’t throw them at each other or anywhere else. A broken window is no fun after all! Rocks are also a low-cost option that requires little to no maintenance for upkeep. Simply have the kids keep the rocks in their area and have them clean up after they are done, and that’s it!

Wood Mulch

In case you haven’t noticed, many playgrounds use wood mulch, which is why you should think about using it in your grassless backyard, too! They make a great floor covering since they have excellent shock absorbency, which helps prevent serious injuries in case your kids fall. They’re also great since they shed moisture, which can lead to mold and mildew. But know that not all wood mulch is created equal, especially when it comes to flooring for a kid’s play space.

The best kind to use for any playground efforts is the engineered wood fiber kind since it features better shock absorption and provides more safety, such as the fact that it reduces the risk of harmful materials from becoming hidden in the chips. Broken glass and debris stay on top of the surface, which makes for easy cleanups! Plus splinters are never an issue since this type of mulch tends to move upon contact. There’s also no harmful chemicals used to make them since it’s a natural wood product and they don’t attract bugs!

This type of wood mulch is made from hardwood ground until it has a fibrous consistency. And they are fairly easy to maintain. All you have to do is rake it periodically to reduce compaction, and since it doesn’t decompose like other wood chips, you don’t have to replace it all the time.

P.S: Here’s a lightweight wood chipper that our other blogger, Jacob is using to create his own wood mulch.

Artificial Grass

Image Linked from Well Woven/

If you love the look and feel of grass, but don’t want to deal with all the headaches and costs that come with it, you can install artificial grass for your kid’s playground section in your backyard. It’s totally understandable if some parents want a softer ground for when their kids play outside, and artificial grass provides them this peace of mind without the costs of real grass.

You can get artificial grass anywhere these days since many homeowners are now ditching the real stuff for this great alternative. Not only does it support high traffic, but can reduce dirt and germs and provides a lot of safety features. With artificial grass, you don’t have to worry about loose dirt, which can be breeding grounds for bacteria and allergens. Its soft, synthetic blades are just as soft as natural grass and are gentle on your child’s skin in case they fall.

But artificial grass isn’t exactly a cheap option, and you might need to hire a professional to install it if you can’t do it on your own. But the upfront costs are still cheaper than the ongoing expenses and keep of a traditional lawn in the long run.

Playground Tiles

Image Linked from KIDWISE/

If you have cement in your backyard and don’t want to deal with having to add in an artificial grass or cover it with wooden mulch, but still want a safe, padded ground for your kids to play on can easily add playground tiles! These interlocking playground tiles are soft mats that you can make as big or small as you want! They are similar to the indoor “ABC” interlocking floor mats you might have had when your kids were babies, but are more durable and last longer, holding up in even the roughest weather. Many are made from recycled rubber and come in different colors to add some flair to any outdoor playground.

They’re easy to install, and you can use them permanently or temporarily depending on your needs. You can place any outdoor toys on them, and your kids will still be able to ride their bikes on them, use water toys and engage in other fun outdoor activities. The only thing is that they aren’t cheap, especially if you get quality playground tiles that will withstand just about anything (which are the ones you want). But think of them as an investment in your child and their safety!

Moss Lawn

Moss On Forest Floor Forest Floor Covered With Moss Natural Green Background

An unusual, yet eco-friendly, alternative to grass is having a moss lawn. Growing a moss lawn provides a springy groundcover. Moss lawns can save you time, water and fertilizer, making it nature’s natural carpet! You just have to purchase some from a nursery and then place it on your prepared surface. However, it should be noted that moss isn’t a great option for high traffic areas. Since it’s pretty delicate, you kids roughhousing, jumping and running on it might damage it. So even though it sounds like a great alternative, if you have rough kids, it may not be.


There’s nothing wrong with an all-cement backyard! The fact that there is no grass or any other green area just means more space for different sorts of activities! You can let your kids get artistic with chalk, get a basketball hoop to let your kids tire out playing basketball or create bike lanes for some pretend road fun! The possibilities are endless when you have a cement backyard. The only downside is they can hurt themselves if they fall. But really, falling down is a part of childhood. Your kids can fall at the park or on the grass so that it can happen anywhere. Just make sure you’re outside with them to help prevent any serious injuries, and your kids should be fine.

Personally, my backyard is half cement and half grass, and it seems like my two boys have more fun playing on the cement with their cars, bikes, and toys than on the grass! So don’t think that not having a lawn or grass is detrimental to your children’s well-being. Your kids will play on anything as long as you allow them. But you can always spruce up your no-lawn backyard with the aforementioned ideas if you want a bit more peace of mind in case of injuries!




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